• Styles for an everyday look

  • The most lightweight lashes you’ll ever try

  • Easy for beginners

    Transform Your Lifestyle

    Simplify your beauty routine with the Mood Lash Kit. Seamlessly transition from complicated to chic, ensuring your eyelashes are perfectly applied and always stunning.

    Over 20,000 Orders Shipped Worldwide.



    Experience immediate satisfaction.


    Use the Mood Lash Kit on a daily basis.


    Noticed that this product has significantly saved them money and time.

    Based on over 5,000 User Reviews Collected

    • Effortless Glamour


      As a busy mom, finding time for makeup is always a challenge. The Mood Lash Kit® has been a game-changer for me. It's quick to apply, stays on all day without needing touch-ups, and looks effortlessly glamorous. I couldn’t be happier with the results!

      Jessica M

    • Professional Perfection


      I'm a professional makeup artist and I've used all sorts of lash products on clients. The Mood Lash Kit® stands out because of its precision and ease of use. My clients are thrilled with how natural and beautiful the lashes look, and the time saved is a huge bonus for my tight schedule. Highly recommend!

      Samantha R

    • First-Time User Success


      I’ve always been intimidated by false lashes due to the messy glues and complicated application, but the Mood Lash Kit® changed all that. The first time I tried it, I was amazed by how simple and clean the process was. The applicator tool makes it foolproof, and I've received so many compliments. I am completely converted!

      Karen P